Joel Sanchez

The Photographer

My name is Joel Sanchez. I discovered my love for taking pictures when I was a teenager and bought my first camera, a Canon AE1. Even though digital cameras are easier to use, working with film taught me to be patient and careful with every photo. It takes patience and a clear vision to capture that perfect shot and deliver great results for clients and myself.

I pursued a degree in Computer Science, yet my heart has always been drawn to the world of photography. From the moment I could afford my first camera, I delved into mastering the art, constantly pushing myself to explore the creative capabilities of any camera my hands touched. My photographic journey began around fourteen years back, yet it feels like a lifetime, considering my days as the designated family photographer capturing my grandmother's escapades in the Dominican Republic during my childhood. Balancing the responsibilities of my day job as an Information Systems Manager and my profound passion for photography, I am committed to delivering the captivating imagery showcased on this platform.

Thank you very much for taking the time to visit my site. I genuinely appreciate your interest, and I hope that at some point in the future, I will have the opportunity to capture your essence through the art of photography. Your presence and support mean a great deal to me.